Tuesday, May 23, 2006

DUSLA Happy Hour

Tuesday, 30 May 2005 (5:00pm - 7:00pm)

Come, eat, drink, and be merry on DUSLA's dime to celebrate a great year! We will be meeting at Zocalo, located @ 36th & Lancaster Ave (2 blocks west of IST), directly after the ISI/Thompson Tour. Bring ideas to carry on for 2006-2007 DUSLA academic year.

Those interested in becoming new leaders and/or members are encouraged to attend.

Can’t make it? Email your thoughts to tanya.d.finney-ellison@drexel.edu.

Have the NEED to LEAD!?

Due to the fact that several of us are graduating this quarter (yay!), we will be unable to participate as DUSLA leaders next year (boo!), but this also means that we have a bunch of positions open for those of you who are interested in becoming more active in our organization (yay again!).

Active participation in a professional association like SLA can be the difference between you and your fellow job seekers, and it's a lot of fun!

We are looking for people to take on the following positions:
President (or Co-President)


Program Chair (or Co-Chair)

Newsletter Editor

Social Chair

Membership Coordinator (new & much needed position!)

Please contact Melissa Bishop at mjb952@drexel.edu by Friday, May 26 if you are interested in becoming a DUSLA leader.

See the "Chapter Leaders" page on our website for more information.

Thomson/ ISI Tour with DUSLA

Tuesday, 30 May 2005 (3:00pm - 5:00pm)

The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) has been a trailblazer in organizing information for the scientific and academic community for more than forty years. Located one block from Drexel, don't miss the chance to hear ISI staff members with MLIS backgrounds talk about Thomson/ISI, their work, and how their library careers have flourished outside the conventional library setting.

RSVP is required by email to tjs49@drexel.edu, no later than noon on Tuesday 30th.

Online students can check out the ISI timeline, email questions in advance, and then look for the webcast of ISI interviews to follow, on our site: www.ischool.drexel.edu/sladrexel.