Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Welcome to DUSLA Web 2.0

This post is being sent out into space in the hopes that DUSLA blog space is soon filled with activity and life. For many of you, this will be the first post you see when you visit our new forum, because I have just invited most of you to join. We at DUSLA are committed to using Web 2.0 technologies to enhance our educational and professional experiences. We are optimistic that this blog will be a forum for breaking new ground in dynamic, collaborative communication that will help us to lead a new generation of visionary, savvy, and effective information professionals.

A couple technologies that we hope to start using in the future follow (I’m new to these technologies, so please do not interpret my links below as endorsements for a particular site/organization/person’s spin on them—feel free to add more technologies/versions that interest you!):

Let’s catalog the web with tags. Learn more at:

Interested in more advanced metadata? Check out the webcast of William Moen’s lecture that the iSchool has made available.

Podcasting. Widespread On-Demand Content Distribution=Knowledge (hopefully not in the metaphysical sense). Here’s what Drexel’s CoAS has to say on the matter, a step-by-step, “how to podcast” podcast.

For more information on Web 2.0 technologies, or to just find out what Web 2.0 means, check out our .mp3 podcast of SLA Philadelphia’s March 8th meeting, featuring Kevin Kearney.

So, with all of that out,

Bob will be posting some logistical information in the near future, introducing some of the helpful features of Blogger, such as posting via email and setting up email notifications of posts, etc. So, stay tuned!

By the way, don’t forget our RSS feed. When this thing really gets rolling, you can have new content pushed right to you using a web-based aggregator like Bloglines, or an application based aggregator like SharpReader (to name just two methods of many!).

To learn more about RSS, visit What is RSS?.

Our feed:



William Moen Lecture

Recently the iSchool hosted distinguished professor William Moen

Read a description of his lecture and a bio here:

Watch the lecture here:

